Membership Cost

The cost of joining eCAPH

From September eCAPH Ltd will require a signed SLA from each school or MAT members. It will be a two year commitment with a 12 month notice to leave option.

eCAPH has listened to members and develop a new pricing structure.

Since our school funding is based on student numbers, we have included this which should be fairer to smaller schools.

The annual formula is £300 per Head plus £1.75 per child

Minimum charge is £400; Maximum charge is £800

This would be our preferred membership option

There is a new MAT based charge if schools wanted to buy one membership for their organisation. The formula is £300 for MAT membership plus £1.75 per child with no maximum charge. MAT membership will result in one point of contact for pastoral support but individual school Headteachers / Heads of School will be able to access the website, conferences and training as individual members.

A schools student numbers will be based on those used to calculate the school budget; currently the autumn term census.

If membership remains unpaid after the first term, access to membership services will be suspended until payment is received.

This membership format and formula will be reviewed every two years and voted on at the eCAPH AGM by all members.

Please see the full SLA here