Pastoral Support
Headship is demanding; it's pressure; it can be difficult; it can be a lonely job
Your Staff have the staffroom… Headteachers have... our four walls!
eCaph is committed to supporting all our members with the provision of effective pastoral support.
We’ve listened to our members and are responding with a plan to build a structure of pastoral support for one another.
This is not needed for everyone as you may already have colleagues around you who you can let off steam too.
But we need to be aware of those who don’t.
Initial idea – in our cluster groups, the eCAPH rep will develop and foster those links – but it’s the responsibility of all of us to build those links.
Through talking. emails, phone, local cluster meetings, conferences.
There are times when disaster strikes – major emergencies.
We need to have a system that reacts immediately which can then offer quick support
Knowing the first point of contact to be your eCAPH exec member rep.
Their job to then liaise with the eCAPH chair person (in the interim with the directors) to ensure the best and right support is put in place.
Its about knowing who is the right person to give support and to get them involved.
Sometimes, we need to help with a plan to get our schools out of the mire.
If I’ve got a ‘weaker’ area in my school, I want to look at and learn from the schools that do it well.
We’re all in the same job, ploughing the same furrow so why are we not better at sharing our strengths and skills?
Why do we make it more difficult for ourselves?
How will we make this work?
Schools will need to share what their strengths are.
Information to be collected by the eCAPH Exec rep and then put onto website.
Whether new to headship or new to Cheshire East, we need to develop better support for new heads.
What about our future heads?
How can we support and encourage them?
Many MATS have a better structure for career development and pathway for leadership – but it can be a closed circle.
How can we support?
Offering opportunities for aspiring heads to visit other schools, for example shadowing the Head.
Offering training and conferences through eCAPH.
Utilising our own strengths.
Developing a coaching culture within our schools – need to build the mechanism to enable this to work / create a ‘pool’ of headteachers who can offer opportunities at their school – i.e. shadowing
I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for the support of Headteachers who supported and guided me in my early days – we have a duty to do the same don’t we?
Helen Morris (Cranberry) and Louise Gohr (Pikemere) have a real passion for developing a coaching culture for aspiring heads and we want to harness that within the wider context of ECAPH.
Leadership Conference for New & Aspiring Leaders
Cranage Hall
19th October 2018
Louise Gohr – Pikemere
Helen Morris - Cranberry